1. Purchasing requirements applicable to all service providers
We request that you send, where applicable, EU/EC declarations of conformity or performance, certificates, tests, technical data sheets, safety data sheets, instructions and manuals for the products and/or equipment, or other technical specifications provided for in the applicable legislation and/or regulations.
2. Purchasing requirements applicable to all service providers
We request that you send us, as applicable, evidence of compliance with all current legal and regulatory provisions relating to Quality, Environment, Safety and Health at Work for the provision of services to be carried out for or on our premises. In addition, all instructions and/or directions in force must be complied with on our premises.
3. Requirements for monitoring performance and non-conformities
The control and monitoring of the products / services supplied takes into account the criteria: Documentation, Identity and Quantity; Delivery Deadline; Product or Service Requirements carried out to or at our facilities, including applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Whenever we deem it relevant and in cases of detection of non-conformities or negative overall assessments, communications are made to suppliers for correction and/or determination of corrective actions.
4. Communication Requirements
Communication and interactions must be carried out by the various means available and, where relevant, must be documented to ensure knowledge and avoid failures or misunderstandings.
5. DataProtection Requirements
Suppliers undertake to maintain confidentiality, not to make any copies in any format or disclose any type of data and information and all other legal provisions in force of the General Data Protection Regulation.